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Live Action!

Conversations with friends over the weekend have got me thinking about "Action". These friends are in the market for a Temple Fork Outfitter Rod. TFO provides a fantastic warranty and a great price point with high-end performance. Price points from $160 to $250 to meet most anglers needs. Like many, these are the reasons why these friends are so zeroed in on TFO…easy choice there...but which rod is the question.

TFO makes affordable high performance rods.


Both friends love fishing high elevation creeks in the high country of North Carolina, searching for "specs". Both would rather not see another angler on the water much less one while walking back to the truck. Both are torn between two rods. One of the friends was fortunate to be able to cast all the Rods TFO could imagine at the recent WNC Fly Fishing Expo (make sure you go next year!) and he was still torn between the Finesse Series and the Professional Series.

Here is where it gets personal. Ultimately the action in a rod is very personal. Bobby likes fast action rods, and I like medium to slow action rods. But part of why I like a medium to slow action rod is because that is the rod I have fished with the most in the last 2 years. Sure, I have fished those fast action 3wts and 5wts, but there is nothing like "home".

In conclusion, it is ultimately a personal preference that comes with time on the water. As both friends get aquainted with their Christmas presents, they will most likely fall in love with the rod they chose, and it will become "the beginning of a beautiful relationship".

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