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Fly Fishing Allergies

It sounds crazy, I know. But for me, it seems like I have an allergy to trophy or larger Brown Trout. A weekend trip a few weeks ago to the Nantahala DH section yeilded countless netted fish. However, with three of us in our party, not a soul caught a brown. Same result the day prior on the Tuckaseegee DH. I understand that only about 20% of fish stocked on the Tuck are Browns, but come on! Just one good one would be nice!

Guide Jack Tamborski with a nice Brown

So, off we go to fish the Davidson. Surely there I would have a good chance, knowing my chances are still better on the Nantahala, but the scenery would be different. The weather was extremly cold, with water temps just above freezing with flurries, and sun breaking through every now and then. Fishing was slow. Slow. Slow. Netted a few rainbow and brook with nothing to brag on. Fishing the Syndicate 10' 3wt I felt a fish slam my nymph rolling on the bottom! "Here is my chance", I thought. I quickly worked the fish to have it on the reel, and with a couple jumps from the fish realized I finally had a brown! But it was small. At least in comparrison to the mean-muggin nasty's that lurk on the Davidson. I was very pleased with the fish, best one of the day upto this point. Then Jack showed me up by wrestling a nice 15" brown to the net (pictured).

I needed to prove to myself that I can in fact find browns. I think I may be recovering from this lack of confidence in finding them. However, I would love to net more on my home waters. This leads me to a great discussion question: What are your fly fishing allergies? examples might be tangles, species, weather, timing, or even fly tying techniques ect...

In the meantime, I'll be planning my trip to New Zealand.

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