The Rod You Will Eventually Own!
This past weekend marked the grand re-opening of the Fly Fishing Museum of the Southern Appalachians in downtown Bryson City. Events associated with the museum took place Friday and Saturday with a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony and a Hall of Fame Induction. Here great names of Jim Casada, Wanda Taylor, Walt Cary and Phil Bracewell have been honored for their contributions to the sport of fly fishing; solidifying their legacy. With all the fly fishing history being discussed this last weekend it got me thinking about legacies. Many times we hear the word legacy and think about maybe a personal history, political history, or family. With the historical emphasis this past weekend the thoughts went towards that of a fly fishing legacy. Often folks will come into the shop and speak about rods, gear and all things fly fishing that were handed down to them from a father or grandparent or Uncle. For myself I was new to this sport from my family, so there wasn’t any legacy to be passed down to me. And that is OK! Because now I have an incredible honor and responsibility to my children and maybe one day grandchildren. However, I am left to ponder, what will my legacy look like? What type or Brands of Rods will I hand down to my children? How will my children describe my passion for fly fishing to others?

Around five or six years ago Bobby and I were introduced to a rod company named Thomas and Thomas. We were on a Tarpon Trip using their 10 and 12 weight rods. This may have been my first encounter with a high performance, made in the USA rod. I was in love. Similar to that first car you drove when you got your license. Fast forward a few years and we now have them in our fly shop. Thomas and Thomas, simply put, is a legacy rod brand. They have been around since the late 1960s and have survived the test of time, society, and the economy. Even a few employees remain from their opening rods many years ago. Any rod can have sentimental value that is passed from one generation to the next, but few have the elegance, and performance that rivals Thomas and Thomas. Give us a call or stop in to cast the new T&T!