TFS Road Trippin'

Tuck Fly Shop is hitting the trail…by that I mean Interstate 40, 81, 85 and I’m sure 95 at some point in our near future… yeah can’t forget I-26!
February 4th the Buckeye United Fly Fishers will hold their one day expo in Cincinnati, Ohio. For folks in the Mid-West neighborhoods this is a great event to venture out to. Rain or snow the show goes on. The Buckeye Folks are great and have really helped me love the state of Ohio with their hospitality at this event. Great speakers and demonstrations challenge the experts and welcome newcomers alike.
We had a blast this summer hanging out with fly fishing author, Beau Beasley. Bobby, Beau and myself jumped in the Blue Moose (our NRS drift boat) and floated the Lower Nantahala River. The weather was great, the scenery great, and the fishing even better. Beau landed a beautiful Nantahala brown trout measuring around sixteen inches. For me personally, one of the more memorable moments in my fly fishing experience.
For several years now, Beau has organized the Virginia Fly Fishing and Wine Fest, and this year Tuck Fly Shop will head to Richmond, Virginia to participate. We have known about this festival for years and its reputation for being a great opportunity for beginners to get a scope of the sport in one place and even pick up some expert tips, all for the price of admission. But while we shuttled cars ahead of the float down the Nantahala, Beau dropped a BOMBSHELL. TEXAS.
This coming March in Plano, Texas, the fly fishing world and Texas will collide. It would be a failure to not take advantage of the cliché here that “Everything is bigger in Texas!”. Tuckaseegee Fly Shop over its existence for the last two and half years have gotten to know many folks from the Longhorn State. Besides seeing those friends, this is a great chance to share our passion of fly fishing the smoky mountain waters and Nantahala River with newcomers to the sport as well as folks who want to put their skills to the test.
…Forgot to mention its also a craft beer fest as well! Not much goes better off the water with anglers than sipping a finely crafted pale ale or porter while sharing fishing stories or learning new tactics. For the price of admission, you not only get to hang out with me and the bearded one (Bobby), but you also are guaranteed to learn something while sipping fine wine (Virginia) or a fine craft brew (Texas).
Check out the festivals at each of the links below and be sure to also look at Beau’s titles that really cut the learning curve to fishing new areas!
Greater Cincinnati Fly Fishing Show- February 4th 2017.
Texas Fly Fishing and Brew Festival- March 11th & 12th 2017.
Virginia Fly Fishing and Wine Festival- April 8th & 9th 2017.