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New Year, New You.

As the Holiday season buzz starts to fade and the phones ring for work more then well wishes, we know that it can be hard to adjust to the cold and inactive winter months that still remain. Most fisherman use this time to take a break or tie flies in preparation for the next year. Guides flood to the rivers as this is one of the slowest parts of the season and they are eager to fish. Most people return to their jobs and dream about the float trip they have planned for April or May, but it doesn't have to end there.

Winter is a great time to fish, if you can stand the harsh conditions and have the patience required to be successful when chasing cold weary trout. I have always taken the winter to prepare myself for the next season and the work that lies ahead after the cold days have been replaced with warmth and blue skies. I plan trips, tie flies to prepare for guiding, and work on a plan to change something in the new year. This isn't a new years resolution that you'll hear about on TV or the radio while driving to and from work. For past couple of years as a guide, I've been on a journey to learn as much as I can about trout and other fish that eat flies. Last year, my goal was to fish more and introduce myself to new techniques. I have accomplished that by making more of an effort to get on the water, and finally wrapping my hands around a spey rod. There are so many different things to be learned in fly fishing, and the moment an angler feels like there is nothing left to learn, then the angler is lost.

New Year's resolutions don't always have to be about losing a couple pounds or making more money at your job. It can be as simple as wanting to be a better dry fly fisherman, or learn to double haul correctly. Set a goal for yourself in 2018 to become a better fly angler in something you've wanted to achieve for quite sometime, you may be surprised at how easy a fun goal is to accomplish.

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