Hatchery Supported Waters

Hatchery Supported Waters opened Saturday April 7th bringing many anglers and kids to local streams chasing the first trout of the 2018 Hatchery Supported season. Many children were seen taking trout with parents and grand parents making this truly a family affair. That is what makes living in Western North Carolina great, our outdoor classroom environment were life skills as well as the respect for all wildlife is taught.
As a young boy I remember catching my first trout in April and it was something that I looked forward to all winter long. Many of us would talk at school about weekend experiences on the water but none of us ever lied about the size of the fish caught or the location we was told not to give up. I didn’t take the trout on a fly like today, but on natural bait back then. The goal was for me to catch fish and keep that fire burning in my belly. Needless to say that fire still burns today as well as the desire to share that spirit with others that may not have had the chance to learn how wonderful chasing trout can be.
With Hatchery Supported waters open a whole new abundance of fishing locations are now on the table. Between Jackson and Swain Counties you will find sixteen Hatchery Supported water designations available for trout fishing.
Hatchery Supported means that the state provides stocking of trout in these fisheries. The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission allows for keeping up to but not exceeding 7 fish per day with no minimum size requirement. No lure restriction accompanies this regulation. Hatchery Supported waters is marked with a white diamond shape sign with a green stripe in the center. On these signs you will find regulations for ease of understanding.
Basically you can fish these waters without worrying about lures or bait restrictions. You will see anglers throwing spinners, natural bait, and some drifting flies and nymphs and all methods being successful! You are still required to have a valid NC Fishing License and Trout Stamp but we can help you with your license needs.
If you are looking for some waters to fish and the Delayed Harvest or National Park Waters are not for you, give Hatchery Supported waters a try. Remember to take a kid fishing and stop in and see us or give us a call before you hit the waters.