Nothing But Net!
In baseball, you can not play the game without a catcher. Thus, in fly fishing you can't "properly" and ethically land a larger fish without the net.

Last October at the 3rd Annual Smoky Mountain Fly Fishing Festival, a new vendor participated. Joshua Brady, ofBrady's Handmade Nets, brought to town a wide selection of beautiful handmade wooden nets. The booth was packed with folks purchasing and admiring the craftsmanship on a gorgeous fall day.
For the last few months, I have had the distinct joy of guiding and fishing with a Brady's Guide Net. This net was made with my name burned into the handle along with the Tuckaseegee Fly Shop logo. While this decoration is perfect for myself as a guide, his craft of custom decorating the net handles can be quite intricate. One can certainly see that this is a labor of love and Joshua takes such great pride in his work. I am sure for Joshua it seems as if he gets to be a part of every fishing trip his nets are on. There are many fly fishing oriented designs to choose from or you can create an original art he can have the nets reflect. These handmade nets come in a wide variety of styles, from short handles with small hoops for those Brookies, to the long handled wide hoops for boats or guiding.

This is a net I will cherish for a very long time, and hope to become and heirloom piece. I did not even want to use it at first because of its perfection. I simply do not trust myself to keep it that way. But nets are intended to be used and I put it to work. Recently at our private water on at Thunderstruck I used the net to successfully land the largest wild trout I have ever landed for a client. The natural beauty of the net was the best possible match for the perfection of the fish, the moment, and the setting.
Give the shop a call for more information on how to find out for yourself!