Early March Fishing Report
Click here for the Bi-Weekly Fishing Report recorded with Marvin Cash of The Articulate Fly. Great PodCast Episodes as well.
If you are fly fishing the smokies there is one thing you need to keep in mind. The weather can change instantly! One minute you can be thinking about how nice of a day it is and the next minute driving/hiking/fishing in snow. Friday morning residents around WNC woke up to sleet pellets hitting roofs and windshields and by Sunday it was sunny and 70! Make sure for your trip you are prepared with appropriate layering. The best advice is to over-prepare for every season for the month of March, don't forget your fly box too!

Small Stream Delayed Harvest (Upper Nantahala, Snowbird, Fires Creek, West Fork of Pigeon, Mitchell and Wilson Creek):
Water is up but fishing well. Use heavy tungsten flies or split shot to get the flies down to where the fish are. Messers IDK Girdle Bug Egg Patterns Wooly Bugger, Psycho-Prince Nymph
Tuck Delayed Harvest: Water is high with Duke Energy Generation. Rent our boat, or swing streamers near the bank eddies.
Thunderstruck: Water is up but manageable. Dry dropper sessions in the late afternoons are producing nice fish like the one pictured. Barney's Black Caddis and a Hares Ear Soft Hackle are ideal, with heavier nymphs in the faster deep water.