April is fast approaching and will bring prime fishing conditions for most areas of the Southeast. Many folks, of all skill levels, will hit the Delayed Harvest waters across North Carolina with hopes of catching 100+ fish or maybe just a couple and then there are the trophy hunters. Either way everyone is out there with various expectations and experiences to shape them.
Recently a new friend invited me to go quail hunting with him and his German Short-Hair Pointer. I jumped at the opportunity to tag along, as it was something completely new to me. I did not even own my own shotgun yet! Of course I do have Black Lab pup those has already showed us he has a nose for feathers...All that being said, I am once again a "newb" in something. I commented to my wife that the last time I took up something completely new and uncharted territory was fly tying about 8 years ago. Being a parent of two, has chewed up time, but will continuously be something new - there are now manuals on parenting, just opinions. So as far as a hobby or sport was concerned it had been a while.
We had a great outing at a preserve down the mountain near Statesville, North Carolina. We certainly drove more than we chased birds and it reminded me of many fishing excursions of the past, where Bobby and I would drive 6-8 hours for maybe 3 of good fishing. Those of course can be the best trips!

All this being said for a reason...Find a friend and take them fishing this April. There is something special about that new world feeling that we can still find outdoors. Take a moment and guide for 15 minutes and introduce someone to a new sport, or encourage them along and keep getting better. By teaching something to someone you intrinsically become better at it yourself, so there is still something in it for you, besides splitting gas. Tight-Lines and Wet Hands...and don't Buff the Net!