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Bronze Backs Are Back

With the warm weather starting to make its way in, the smallmouth bass bite is starting to ramp up. I have said for years, how much I really enjoy fishing for those aggressive fighters. I’m not sure what the main reason is, but I’m going to list a few reasons why I think it’s some of the best freshwater fishing there is.

- the fight (nothing more to say here)

- casting ( I really enjoy casting a fly rod)

- cool mornings / muggy evenings (there’s something about those times of day, in the summer that is just really special)

- ice cold beer (on the boat or after finishing up late in the evening, for some reason it just taste better after fishing for smallmouth)

- riding with the windows down to and from the river

- blue gill or brim fill in the voids between bass and they are great overachievers

- no waders needed

- they eat top water and subsurface (I prefer a popper on top)

- the hunt (they always surprise me when they eat, even when I know there is probably a fish where I casted)

These are just some of the reasons it makes it great. It really does come down to it’s about the total experience, not just catching. I hope you all can get out this spring, summer, and early fall, and experience a little bit of what smallmouth fishing has to offer.

If you have any questions about smallmouth fishing feel free to contact us through email or phone 828-488-3333. Also check out our new webstore on our website for anything you need to order. We have free shipping on orders over $100. We are also running a 20% off promo code for all in stock waterproof packs. PROMO CODE: WATERPROOF20

Tight Lines,

Bobby Bennett



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