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Montana Recap

Once again Tuck Fly Shop was able to visit Yellowstone Country in August! We had two trips of guests go up for a stay at the Golden Stone Inn and fish with the crew at Big Sky Anglers based in West Yellowstone Montana. These trips usually take place in August, which is a peak time for summer fishing especially for big trout on dry flies.

This year year, the trips got to experience the great diversity that Southwest Montana offers and the benefits of an outfitter with numerous permitting. We started out fishing the Madison River in a section that is wade only. This day produced numerous brown and rainbow trout and a few that went for the twenty inch category.

On the second day the winds picked up in the Madison Valley. Following the guides advice we made a break for the Box Canyon of the Henrys Fork of the Snake River in Idaho. This is a beautiful stretch of river that is down in a canyon and blocked out of the wind to protect our casts. This day was filled with many rainbows on hopper patterns and nymphs.

The third day brought a rest day. Some members of the group chose to fish in Yellowstone National Park while others chose a more relaxing day of seeing the many geologic features that Yellowstone has to offer. Not to mention the wildlife viewable from the road. That evening, and every evening was capped off with a fantastic meal provided by the staff at the Golden Stone Inn.

Fourth day, or third day of fishing, brought a renewed energy, polished casts and optimism. We floated a lower stretch on the Madison River. This 8 mile float set us up for numerous fish eating our dry flies at an eager pace. This day, we lose count of the fish we missed, and savor those fighting moments of a nice Madison Brown Trout tugging against the current.

On the final day of fishing we find ourselves beginning to feel ready to be home, but excited for one last day of fishing in Big Sky Country. On this day some of us headed to the storied waters of Harriman Ranch State Park on the Henry's Fork. In the words of Guide and BSA Partner Steve Hoovler, "This is Yankee Stadium!". These fish have PHDs and don't need to eat the fly you present. The bug life in this section is immense. These are the fish you sight cast to but spend 45 minutes stalking them. Present a lazy cast or poor loop and your shot is lost, remember - Yankee Stadium. Spot successfully, stalk successfully, cast successfully, set the hook successfully, fight the fish successfully, and you have yourself quite the fish to remember. A lot of moving parts there but it is worth it, trust me!

We will be announcing our 2023 Montana Hosted Trip dates soon, so be on the look out!



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